Tuesday, November 1, 2016


The first seat on my board of advisors would go to my high school soccer coach Zenati. While I was in high school he always motivated and pushed us to be better people. He stressed the importance of integrity and character and would remind us daily that it didn't matter how good you were, if you had no character, you had no place on this team. The reason he would be on my board would be because he would always make sure I'm on the right track morally and would stop me from doing anything that would harm my values. The second seat on my board of advisors would go to my grandmother. She has always been there to guide me and teach me how to be a good son and brother. She would be on my board because she wouldn't want me to develop bad habits and she would always have my best interest in mind. My third seat would go to my best friend Antoine. I have known him since 6th grade and I know that I can always trust in him. He would be on my board as someone that I could go to when I'm feeling overwhelmed or stressed and be able to talk without him judging or misinterpreting what I say. The fourth seat on my board would go to my dear friend Uriel. He is someone that I know has had to face a lot of opposition in his life and had to overcome all of it. He would be on my board because he would be the one to challenge and motivate me to do better when I feel like quitting or giving up. The fifth seat on my board would go to my youngest sister Dani. All my life I have babysat and taken care of her. I know that I am a huge part of her life and that she really looks up to me. She's a very sweet, kind, and loving little girl. The reason she would be on my board is because in her mind I'm great, giving, and kind. She would be the one that holds me accountable for all my actions and keeps striving to be better and kinder to all.

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