Problems that turn into challenges.
Problems often turn into challenges and that's just the way life goes. One problem that turned into a challenge for me is my daily life here on campus. From the first day of class I was more than eager to join all these groups and organizations that give back to the community, help develop leadership skills, or are just made to have a good time. Now my daily schedule is a puzzle and i have to figure out how to be able to do everything that I want to do and still be a successful college student. For example, I'm in three student organizations, the homecoming committee, a dance group for homecoming, I work 16 hours a week, want to join the Oklahoma National Guard, fraternity life, want to join the OU ROTC, and my daily classes. It's not easy. Fortunately, my #1 strength is Deliberate. This means that I take everything into careful consideration, and make sure I make the right decisions. I know what to prioritize and what I can do without. My schedule conflicts a lot, but I always prioritize academics, then work, then everything else. Just recently I started to use a planner to help keep track of class times, due dates, and exam dates. Now it's easier to plan my daily life and I'm forgetting less than before. My life here on campus is challenging and very complicated, but it's nothing that I can't do.
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