Tuesday, September 20, 2016

My priorities before coming to OU was to come to OU. Now that I'm here my main priority is to get accepted into the school of pharmacy. My priorities haven't changed. I am still doing the best I can to maintain an excellent GPA and excel in my classes. My three goals for this semester are to do well in all my classes, get involved on campus, and have fun. In order to get involved on campus I am joining a lot of organizations such as UPB, HASA, SLB, and Circle K.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Hakuna Matata.
Who has influenced me?
A lot of different people have influenced me over the years like teachers, friends, family, and coaches. They've all tried to teach me moral lessons to improve on my abilities as a human to lead and help others. They all said the same basic things; go to college, be good to others, help the needy, be honest, and etc. My dad was one of the people who would tell me this. And while I appreciated it, I feel like that's not how he influenced me the most. He influenced me more with his story of coming to the US and establishing a life here and then a landscaping company. How he works 9 hours a day 6 days a week to put food on the table.
What has influenced me?
As previously stated my dad's story influenced me, but so did a lot more. Seeing my parents go from renting a 1 room apartment to owing a 3 room house, taking care of 4 children, and doing they're best to provide us with all the essentials of life really makes me want to do the best I can so that one day I could pay them back for all they've done for me and my siblings. Also the idea of one day having a family is a huge influence to me. I want to be able to provide them with everything they need and then some.
Has it changed since high school?
No, I'm a pretty stubborn dude and it took a while for me to have the mindset I have to today. The mindset I graduated high school with is the one I want to keep because this one is the one that got me into the University of Oklahoma. I don't ever want to become lazy or lose sight of my goals.
Who do I hope to influence?d
If I was only able to influence a few people it would be my children. I would want them to understand that their neither me nor their grandparents ever knew what the privileged life was like and that we've had to work hard for everything that we have. I would hope that they would be inspired somewhat like I have been and understand that they have an unlimited potential to be whatever they want to be.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

I ate a whole box of Raisinets by swallowing each individual raisin.
ravioli ravioli why is my soul so emptyoli
I'm a college student, freshman to be specific. What defines me as a leader is what I've been involved with in high school including soccer, cross country, key club, and everything else I participated in. I don't think that I'm a good leader and that I have a lot more to learn these next 6 years at OU. In this time I hope to grow and expand my mind to new ways of thinking and become someone people look up to. I agree with my U-Zoo animal because I'm very competitive and I hate being wrong. I wanna be the best there is and that's what's gunna be my motivation while I'm at college to purse my dream and make something out of this life that I have been given.
I named my blog "hotandfreshoutthekitchen1" because "hotandfreshoutthekitchen" had already been taken so I added a "1". Also I really like music from the 2000's and one of my favorite songs is ignition by R, Kelly. One of the lyrics is " hot and fresh out the kitchen." I chose that specific lyric because when someone uses that term they're talking about something brand new that's fresh and ready to be consumed by the public. like my blog.

for security purposes i had to disguise myself.